7 Energetic Ways to Attract the Divine Masculine

Do you want to attract a healthy divine masculine into your life? Are you sick and tired of attracting those with a big ego? Or those who are emotionally unavailable? Are you ready to step into your divine feminine power and attract from a place of love rather than lack?

Then this post is for you. In this article, we will discuss seven energetic ways to attract your divine counterpart.

How to attract the Divine Masculine

The Divine Masculine is one part of a spiritual union and is attracted to the Divine Feminine to create a balanced relationship that brings the couple into their shared divinity. In this way, the Masculine is attracted to a partner that is loving, vibrant, receptive, and embodying the feminine.

You might be wondering… how do you attract this Divine Masculine?

In the rest of this article, I will be sharing seven ways to attract the Masculine.

If you identify as Masculine or wondering how to awaken the Divine Masculine, check out this article.

1. Surrender to your receptive mode – allow yourself to receive gifts.  

The masculine loves to gift the feminine, it allows him to step up, show up and be present in his masculine energy.

Practice accepting masculine gifts into your life. This may be allowing someone to buy you a coffee, allowing someone to help you lift something heavy, or as simple as accepting help when someone offers it to you.

Please note, this does not necessarily mean only accepting gifts from men. We all embody both masculine and feminine energies and you can receive these gifts from either gender in life. The simple act of allowing yourself to receive will open up the gateway to attracting a strong and balanced masculine energy into your life, who will love showing up for you.

2. Be gentle with yourself – show yourself some love and compassion.

The masculine energy operates from a space of logic, action, and linear thought patterns; often it is a case of things being ‘black’ or ‘white’.

As a feminine in this modern world, we can often get stuck strongly in our own masculine energy and forget to relax, to be gentle with ourselves, and allow ourselves to experience pleasure.

Masculine energies are highly attracted to the beauty of the full feminine energy; it offers polarity to their masculine ways of being which in turn creates sexual attraction. Treat yourself with love and compassion – take a bath, paint your nails and show yourself some self-love.

The more you step into your gentle feminine nature, the more attractive you will be to your divine masculine. However, some reading this may be wondering – how does the concept of divine masculine and feminine apply to same-sex couples?

3. Choose how ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ you want to be in life – attract from this vibrational point.

On the flip side, not all women want to be soft, gentle, and completely feminine all of the time. Plus, not all couples are same-sex couples.

Some women want to be kick-ass mother f**kers who enjoy being strong, independent t, and building action-orientated empires in life. In ‘The Way of the Superior Man’ by David Deida, he states that ‘you are always attracted to your sexual reciprocal.

Therefore, if a man has a more feminine essence then he will be ‘attracted to more masculine women.’ On the other hand, if a man has more masculine energy then he will be attracted to more feminine women.

The more ‘neutral or balanced’ a man is, the more ‘neutral and balanced’ he will prefer his woman. This theory also applies to same-sex couples – a man who is gentle and receptive may be attracted to a more dominant and typically masculine man. And a strong action-orientated woman may be more attracted to a softer, creative female.

There is no right or wrong, but it is up to you to decide how you want your energy to show up in life and the kind of partner you wish to attract.

Choosing how ‘masculine or ‘feminine’ you want to be in life is a vital component when attracting your divine counterpart – get clear how you want the balance of divine masculine and feminine energies to feel in your own body, then begin to embody your chosen balance as much as possible. Personally, as a woman, a healthy balance feels like operating 60% from my masculine and 40% from my feminine; I enjoy structure, organization, and taking action but also like to surrender to being in my feminine flow.

How masculine or feminine you choose to be will affect the type of relationship that you attract into your life.

If you are operating from a space of 90% masculine and 10% feminine you will most likely attract a very feminine counterpart to balance your energy. If you are living from a space of 90% feminine and 10% masculine, you will most likely attract a very masculine counterpart. Practice living in your own ‘balanced’ state as much as possible – this will ensure you will attract someone for the long run, as you will maintain sexual polarity with someone else who has also found their preferred, balanced state.

Often relationships that are short and intense are simply a lesson in balancing our own masculine and feminine energy.

When we enter a relationship with someone who is extremely masculine or extremely feminine, it is often because our energies need balancing and it can be of great value for us to learn from each other. However, once the lesson is learned and we begin to embody more of their way of being, then we can fall out of alignment as the relationship loses polarity.

Therefore, it is extremely important to find your own ‘balanced’ way of being to attract your long-term partner – they will have also committed to the alchemy of balancing and maintaining a state of equilibrium between their own energies.

4. Heal your inner masculine energy – channel your ego to work from a place of love.

The masculine can and often will operate from a place of ego, however, this is not necessarily a bad thing – the masculine can achieve great endeavors when channeled correctly. When you are taking action or working towards your goals ask yourself:

‘Is this from a space of love?’

Striving, being determined, and taking direct action can achieve wonderful things. However, if you are taking action simply to be seen, to be recognized, or to get one up on someone in some way then this is not from a heart-centered space. Notice when your ego starts to creep in and ask yourself:

‘How can I channel my ego into working through love right now?’

This doesn’t mean that you have to scrap your goals completely – it may just mean taking a different stance. For example, this may be being open to working in collaboration with others to have a greater impact in the world, rather than feeding your ego’s desires of wanting to achieve it by yourself and to be recognized for this achievement.

5. Set your boundaries – do not accept less than you wish to receive.

If you want to receive a divine counterpart who treats you with love and respect, then you must stop accepting attention from anyone who gives you less than that.

If you accept someone who treats you like s**t then you will only attract more s**t relationships. If you accept someone who nearly treats you well but has a few red flags, then you will keep attracting more ‘nearly divine counterparts’ with more ‘red flags.’

If you hold your boundaries and expectations high and hopeful, then all the dregs will fall away. You will radiate like a beam of light and all the other high and hopefuls will finally be able to see you clearly – they will be attracted to you like a moth to a flame. These high and hopefuls will also be conscious beings who have committed to their soul standards and how they want to be treated in a relationship. They will more than likely love to engage in conscious, emotionally open conversation with you which can create some outrageous chemistry!

6. Decide whether you want a ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ relationship and if there are any external factors in your life affecting this decision.

Not only are there the polarities of ‘masculine and ‘feminine’ which creates sexual but attraction, there is also the concept of ‘hot’ and ‘cold.’

In ‘The Way of the Superior Man’ David Deida suggests that ‘some women are hot’ and ‘some women are cooling’ – which can also be true for men. David suggests that other areas of our lives can affect how ‘hot’ or cold’ we want our counterpart to be.

For example, when we first meet our divine counterparts we may enjoy their ‘hot’ and feisty energy. However, if our external life circumstances change i.e. we start a new job which is extremely stressful with tight deadlines and an overwhelming amount of people, then we may begin to find our ‘hot’ and feisty partner too much. They may become too overwhelming at the end of the day. In this case, we may begin to crave a more ‘cooling’ and gentle partner.

On the other hand, if we are initially attracted to a more ‘calming’ and ‘cooling’ partner but then find ourselves becoming bored in the relationship, we may need to question which other areas of our lives have become too ‘cool’ and need spicing up.

This concept provides great insight into our romantic relationships as it shifts the blame away from each other and forces us to admit where else in our lives we may be feeling unbalanced. Ultimately, this can be a great catalyst for healthy change in our lives and lead to immense amounts of growth. It also gives us the chance to express our needs to our partners and have fun embodying our ‘hot’ and ‘cooling’ sides.

7. Allow yourself to have fun and get into your flow state!

When we have fun we raise our vibration – when we step into our flow state we become divinely magnetic! Stop starving your soul of fun and start living from your spontaneous self.

The divine masculine LOVES the free-flowing, spontaneous nature of the divine feminine and will be insatiably attracted to a woman who is in her absolute element.

Do something that makes your heart sing: paint, dance, surf, bake, love, laugh, and allow yourself to create. The passion that you inject into your life, will be reflected back to you in your relationship. So, get out there, go wild and have fun! You deserve to feel love and you deserve to light up, so start living from your heart and allow your divine counterpart to show up.

Here is a poem that I wrote that speaks to this:

‘She surrendered,
gently, quietly, receptively,
in the feminine way.

She played,
curiously, compulsively, seductively,
in her feminine play.

She called,
lightly, softly, wildly,
in her womanly way.

She danced,
fiercely, freely and fearlessly,
in her divine play.

She loved every risky polarity,
Of each and every day.’

– Jadine Lydia

In Conclusion:

When trying to attract the Divine Masculine, try to invoke these seven things into your life:

  1. Surrender to your receptive mode – allow yourself to receive gifts.  
  2. Be gentle with yourself – show yourself some love and compassion.
  3. Choose how ‘masculine or ‘feminine’ you want to be in life – attract from this vibrational point. 
  4. Heal your inner masculine energy – channel your ego to work from a place of love.
  5. Set your boundaries – do not accept less than you wish to receive.
  6. Decide whether you want a ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ relationship and if there are any external factors in your life affecting this decision.
  7. Allow yourself to have fun and get into your flow state!

I hope this article has gifted you with a little more wisdom, a little more clarity, and a little more love.

I can only hope that you will surrender to your soul and allow yourself to receive, that you may show yourself some love and choose how feminine you want to be. That you may heal your masculine and set your standards high, that you may play with hot and cold and light up your love life. That you may embody your divine feminine and listen to her song, that you may call in your divine masculine and love like never before.  

Picture of Jadine Lydia
Jadine Lydia
Jadine Lydia is an Intuitive Life Coach L.C.H Dip. Freelance Writer & Inspirational Content Creator. She lives on the Cornish coast in South West England. Her writing shares her happy-go-lucky, holistic approach to love, laughter, and life; inspiring others to deepen their connection to the divine. She empowers others to take 'intuitive action' towards manifesting their deepest dreams and desires through her inspirational content, books and e-courses. www.jadinelydia.com