11 Best Spiritual Gifts for Men: Empowering Personal Growth

Getting the perfect gift can be hard. Picking something personal that shows you know the person receiving the gift is key.

In this article, I have created a list of gifts that are perfect for men that pursue personal growth and spirituality. The presents are perfect for a friend, partner, or family member.

What makes a good Spiritual Gift for Men:

It is amazing to receive a gift that makes you say, “wow… this person really knows me.” It feels even better to give that kind of gift. 

When considering what to give, here are a few steps for picking the perfect present:

  1. What is this person going through? Is there something you could give them that would help them through a moment of existential crisis or personal growth?
  2. Did something come up in conversation recently? Try to think of any new hobbies or activities the person is undergoing. Maybe they just started meditating, or have been wanting to read more on a certain subject. 
  3. Could you share an experience with them as well as a gift? When picking a gift, think of ways you could participate/use them with the person. Maybe get some candles and incense and invite them for a day of meditation/reflection. Or gift them a Tarot deck and do a reading together.

Keeping these three things in mind when reading this list will help you pick out the perfect gift.

11 Best Gift Ideas for Spiritual Men

Here are the 11 gift ideas for men. I tried to narrow the list down to some of the best gift ideas. This isn’t a list of 30 random things, the list is tools that I have seen men use in their personal practice. 

If the person you have in mind enjoys meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and spirituality then there is bound to be a good gift idea on this list.

1. Guided journal

It’s is inevitable that around someone’s birthday they start thinking about their future goals and get reflective. Journaling can be an amazing way for someone to gather their thoughts.

A guided journal isn’t a bunch of black pages, they have prompts and activities to engage the person.

I love a guided journal because they feel like a mini-course.  I can find a journal around a subject I am interested in and dive in.

Here are a few of my favorite guided journals.

  • Shadow Work Journal – This is a great journal for anyone that is exploring shadow work and wanting to heal past wounds / inner child work. Lots of activities and prompts.
  • Self-Care: A Day and Night Reflection Journal – This is more like a daily check-in than a journal. If someone wants to get into journaling but finds it hard to make the time, this is a great starter. Since it has simple questions, you can fill it out in just a few minutes every day. 
  • Gratitude Journal for men – This is a great journal that gets you in the habit of seeing gratitude and abundance. Great for anyone on a path of self-discovery. 

2. Yoga Mat

Another great gift is a healthy lifestyle that promotes spiritual connection… which is a big part of Yoga.

If you have someone in mind that is just getting into yoga or needs to up-level their mat, this can be a great gift. It is also something you can do together, making it a gift that will keep on giving.

I have always preferred a cork matte. They are more natural, don’t off-gas, light, and are anti-slip.

Here is the cork yoga mat I have used. Love it! And any cork yoga mat would be a great gift. 

Get the Cork Yoga Mat on Amazon

3. Masculine Archetype Deck

A great gift for a man exploring spirituality is a Tarot/oracle deck.  Working with cards can help men find a reflective space to explore their psyche. 

The Masculine Archetype Deck was made with spiritual men in mind. It explores the different archetypes within every man. Giving them a tangible way to understand themselves on a soul level. 

It gives a template for them to use to understand their own unique masculinity. 

The deck also includes the 12 stages of the Hero’s Journey, shadow aspects, and more. It’s an amazing gift for someone that is looking to understand themselves and masculinity.

>>>Grab a copy of the deck here.

4. Essential oils

Another classic gift for spiritually inclined men is essential oils. 

Essential oils can be incredibly calming, centering, and create an atmosphere of peace. They are perfect to use before meditation and bring positive energy into the day. 

I wouldn’t get essential oils to someone out of the blue. You want to make sure they would enjoy them.

So ask, casually of course, what sents they like. Or try and comment if the person you are thinking of wears an essential oil you like. This will give you ideas of what to get them. 

If they are newer to essential oils I would suggest getting a kit with multiple oils.

Picture of Essential oil Blends and a doTERRA infuser.

Here is one I really liked that I got a few months back:

12 Organic Essential Oils by Cliganic

Getting a diffuser is also a big plus. That can make a really well-rounded gift. 

Check out this beautiful diffuser

Read More: Learn about Masculine Essential Oils

5. Meditation EEG Headband

This one is a little more “tech” oriented, but stick with me. 

One of the hardest things about meditation is figuring out if you have made any progress. Sometimes you feel at ease, and others you mind wanders the whole time. 

Getting live feedback on how deep of a meditative state you are in can be incredibly helpful. 

Muse has 2 different headbands that use EEG’s to monitor your brainwave state. It then uses this data to change musical elements. It helps you understand when you are in a deep state, and when you are not.

You can also record this data to see your progress over time.

I have found this to be an amazing tool. It’s kind of like training wheel for meditation, but the experience is also amazing for those that have meditated a long time. Getting that live feed is an amazing experience. 


6. Books on Self Improvement and Masculinity

I have seen a lot of men start their journey of understanding their masculinity. 

Society tried to make men feel like nothing is wrong and push away any introspection around masculinity. Eventually… the weight of it gets too much and men start to seek answers.

It’s been amazing to see how excited and embolden men get after reading their first few books on masculinity. It gives a man guidance and deep wisdom.

There are three books I would suggest for any man during their evolution and self-discovery.

  • Iron John explores Masculinity through an old Grimm’s fairytale of a boy that frees a wild man—using it as a metaphor for a man’s initiation into manhood.
  • The Way of the Superior Man speaks more to the spiritual aspects of Masculinity. David Deida’s definition of Masculine and Feminine polarity has been incredibly influential.
  • King Warrior Magician Lover is a “must-read” for all men, no matter what stage of life you are in. It examines the masculine psyche through archetypes and is a foundational book.
Iron John Men's book review

If you want more book recommendations, I have an indepth review of 5 books on Masculinity and another review of the best books for Shadow Work

7. Meditation Cushion

Meditation is a cornerstone of any spiritual path. We see it used in Buddhism, yoga, western occultism, and non-secular spiritualism. 

For years I fought against doing meditation. I didn’t get it. 

Now after 5 years of practice, I HIGHLY suggest everyone start meditating.

I can think of no better gift than offering tools to help someone explore the depth of their being through a meditation practice. 

One essential for anyone doing meditation is a good meditation cushion.  There are a few styles, the bench, pillow, and even yoga blocks.

I personally prefer the Meditation Bench. I find it helps my knees and back for long sits. 

I went to a vipassana a few years back and we meditated for 15 hours a day. Yes! The whole day in silence and meditation.

They have a wall of meditation seats and cushions. Over the 10 days, I got to try them all out, and hands down the meditation bench were the best one for me.

Here is a link to the Meditation Cushion on Amazon I really like. It’s made of Acacia Wood and really great quality.

Also, like the Yoga Mat, this gift can also be offered with the experience of doing it together. Great way to bond and share time together.

8. Acupressure Mat

I thought these were so silly at first. 

Why would I want a bunch of pooky things on a mat or pillow? But, I got to say these things are amazing. After a few minutes on an acupressure mat, my nervous system melts. 

If the person you are thinking of deals with a lot of stress, this can be a really nice gift.

There are lots of different models, sizes, and so on.

I really like the Konjo acupressure mat. It uses memory foam and has been really durable for me (unlike some other mats)
But you can look at amazon and find a lot of options. Here is a link to the whole category of Acupressure Mats on Amazon.

Grounding Mat

Wow… this is the third mat on this list, but they are so good. 

When you lay on the earth, your body grounds electricity in your body and has some amazing properties when it comes to electromagnetic fields. 

Have you ever laid down in a field and taken a nap, feeling really refreshed? The theory behind these mats is there is an actual effect that happens called “Earthing”

The mat simulates laying on the ground by being plugged into the wall and using the grounding part of the outlet. 

It sounds crazy, but it really does feel good. It’s hard to explain.

A close friend of mine lived on the 5th floor and felt really ungrounded. After using this mat, she slept a lot better.

There is lots of research on it… so if you are skeptical, check it out. 
For those that want to offer an amazingly unique gift, and something that could be healing for a man in their life, I suggest you check out the Grounding Mats on amazon.

10. Astrology or Tarot Reading

A few years back a close friend got me a very sweet gift of an AStrology reading for my birthday.

At that point in my life I was going through a lot of questions around career, purpose, and so on. It was the perfect gift. 

The reading was amazing, and it helped reshape my perspective. In a lot of ways, it was a cornerstone that eventually gave shape to HeroRise and the Masculine Archetype Deck. It’s why I write about masculinity and spirituality.

I was so grateful for the thoughtfulness. 

Giving the gift of a Tarot or Astrology reading can help someone find clarity in their life.

The key is getting a good reader. Best to get a recommendation from a friend if no one comes to mind. Many occult book shops have readers and they have to be pretty good at their craft to get to that point, so it’s an option. But, I would suggest getting a recommendation.

11. Subscription to Insight Timer

If the person you have in mind is already a meditator, you might consider giving them a subscription to Insight Timer.

Insight Timer is an App that has guided meditations, talks, courses, and a great meditation timer. 

I love this app and use it multiple times a week for my personal practice. 

It might seem a little strange getting a year subscription to an app, but this app is amazing. I have spent hours listening to talks.

There is also a free version that has a lot of features. So if you haven’t heard of it, check it out. 

Also, I have a few guided meditations up on Insight Timer. They are free to listen to, check them out at the HeroRise profile on Insight Timer. 

In Conculsion:

I spent a lot of time thinking of some great gifts for spiritual men. I asked men in my life and looked at the items I use all the time in my own personal practice. 

Like I stated before, the key to a good gift is being personal.

Think of the activities that the man you have in mind does, or wants to start doing. Supporting their growth with a gift is a beautiful thing. 

I have had partners get me gifts, such as essence, books, meditation pillows, and other things on this list. I distinctly remember the gifts and find them to be important possessions in my life. 

Hope there is something in this list that will inspire you and help you pick out the perfect present for the person you have in mind. 

Picture of Isaac Cotec
Isaac Cotec
Creator of HeroRise, Isaac Cotec has dedicated his life to empowering others through art and creativity. He is a scholar of the subconscious and has studied the power of symbolism to help create enduring change.