12 Jungian Archetypes: The Foundation of Your Personality

There are 12 Jungian archetypes that make up the foundation of your personality. Archetypes are primal patterns of behavior that we all share as humans.

They can be used to help us understand ourselves and others better.

In this blog post, we will explore each of the 12 Jungian archetypes and discuss how they can influence our lives.

What are Archetypes?

Archetypes are primal patterns of behavior that we all share. They are universal, meaning they appear in cultures across the world. Archetypes arise from our collective unconscious and shared human experiences.

The term Archetypes was first coined by psychologist Carl Jung. The word comes from the Greek word “arche”, which means “original or primitive pattern”.

Jung believed that Archetypes are the building blocks of our personality. They shape the way we think, feel and behave. Archetypes also play a role in our spiritual lives, as they represent the different aspects of the divine.

How Many Archetypes Are there?

Carl Jung theorized that there are 12 main Archetypes. However, this is just a theory and there is no definitive answer. Some researchers believe that there are actually dozens of Archetypes, while others believe there is only a handful.

The Masculine Archetype Deck for instance uses a system of five Masculine Archetypes.

Carl Jung came up with his original 12 after years of researching myths from across the world and documenting the images found in his students/clients’ dreams.

He found patterns of similarities and grouped them together into the 12 archetypes.

The Original 12 Archetypes are:

Each of these Archetypes represents a different facet of the human experience. In the rest of this article, we will be taking a closer look at each one.


The following is a list of the 12 Jungian Archetypes. If you would like to learn more about the Archetype (such as its shadow aspects and pop culture examples), then follow the link to the full article on that particular Archetype.

The Innocent

The Innocent Archetype is characterized by purity, naïveté, and innocence. Innocents are gentle, compassionate, and loving people who see the world through rose-colored glasses. They are often optimistic and believe that the best in people is yet to come.

Boy being creative and dreaming up

Innocents are also very trusting and tend to take others at their word. They can be easily hurt by the actions of others and can be quite naive.

The Innocent Archetype is found in people who are young at heart and have not been jaded by the world. They are often described as “childlike”.

The Sage

The Sage Archetype is characterized by wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Sages are seekers of truth and knowledge. They have a deep understanding of the world and the people in it. Sages are also often very spiritual people who have a connection to the divine.

Sage reading a book in the woods looking like a monk

Sages usually have a lot of life experience and are able to see both sides of every issue. They are often great teachers and leaders, as they possess the ability to see the big picture.

The Hero

The Hero Archetype is characterized by bravery, courage, and strength. Heroes are people who have overcome great challenges and adversity. They often have a strong sense of justice and morality.

man opening shirt to show symbol of hero

Heroes are also known for their self-sacrifice and willingness to help others. They often put the needs of others before their own and are always willing to lend a hand.

The Hero Archetype is found in people who are heroic, both on a small and large scale. They may be firefighters, paramedics, or soldiers who risk their lives to save others. They may also be everyday people who do something brave and courageous, such as standing up for what they believe in.

The Caregiver

The Caregiver Archetype is characterized by compassion, nurturing, and care. caregivers are people who have a strong sense of empathy and are able to put themselves in other people’s shoes. They often have a calling to help others and feel a deep need to care for others.

Hands holding a heart togeather with radiant sun burst

Caregivers are often great listeners and have a lot of compassion. They are able to offer emotional support to others and are often good at giving advice.

The Explorer

The Explorer Archetype is characterized by curiosity, adventure, and risk-taking. Explorers are always looking for new experiences and adventures. They are often fearless people who are willing to take risks in order to get the most out of life.

Explorer with compas in hand overlooking mountain

Explorers are also very curious people who want to know everything about the world around them. They are always looking for new challenges and experiences.

The Explorer Archetype is found in people who love adventure and risk-taking. They may be explorers in the literal sense, or they may just have a personality that is drawn to adventure.

The Ruler

The Ruler Archetype is characterized by discipline, order, and control. Rulers are often people who crave structure and order in their lives. They often have a lot of ambition and desire to be successful.

Ruler looking regal with halo

Rulers are usually very disciplined individuals who follow a strict routine. They like things to be neat and organized and can be quite perfectionistic.

The Rebel

The Rebel Archetype is characterized by independence, non-conformity, and freedom. Rebels are people who march to the beat of their own drum. They often have a strong sense of individuality and desire for freedom.

Two rebels with tattoos and smoking

Rebels often dislike rules and regulations and believe in doing things their own way.

The Rebel Archetype is found in people who want to be their own boss and chart their own course in life. 

The Magician

The Magician Archetype is characterized by creativity, power, and influence. Magicians are people who use their creative energy to make things happen. They have a lot of power and influence and often use it for good.

Magician with glowing hands and magic circle behind them

Magicians are also very intuitive people who have a strong connection to the subconscious mind. They are able to use their intuition and creativity to change the world.

The Magician Archetype is found in artists, writers, or entrepreneurs. 

The Lover

The Lover Archetype is characterized by passion, love, and intimacy. Lovers are drawn to relationships and intimacy. They often have a strong need for emotional connection and feel incomplete without it.

Two Lovers at sunset kissing with balloons and a flower design

Lovers are usually very passionate people who experience love deeply. They may also be attracted to physical intimacy and enjoy being close to others.

The Lover Archetype is found in people who are looking for a deep, meaningful relationship. They may be attracted to the arts or spirituality as a way to find an emotional connection.

The Jester

The Jester Archetype is characterized by humor, playfulness, and mischief. Jesters are always looking for ways to have fun and make others laugh.

Black Comedian on stage with emojis

Jesters are also very flexible people who are able to adapt to any situation. They don’t get upset easily and are usually good at diffusing tense situations. They often see the world in a positive light and are good at diffusing tense situations.

The Creator

The Creator Archetype is characterized by innovation, creativity, and imagination. Creators are people who see the world in a unique way and come up with new and exciting ideas.

Artist painting a light bulb

Creators are also very intuitive people who use their intuition and creativity to create change in the world. They often have a strong connection to the subconscious mind.

The Creator Archetype is found in people who are creative and innovative, such as artists, writers, or entrepreneurs. They often have a lot of imagination and can be quite successful.

The Everyman

The Everyman Archetype is characterized by balance, normality, and common sense. Everymen are down-to-earth people who live in the real world. They are usually quite normal and don’t stand out from the crowd.

Everymen are also very practical people who rely on common sense and logic. They don’t believe in doing things that don’t make sense or don’t have a logical explanation.

Jung’s Cardinal Orientations for Archetypes

Carl Jung also theorized that the Archetypes could be separated into 4 carnal orientations. 

The archetypes’ focuses are determined by the orientation of their archetype symbol. You’ll have a far deeper understanding of each personality type’s hidden desires and self-perception if you grasp these 4 orientations.

The Four Cardinal Orientations:

  1. Ego – Leaving a mark or making an impact on the world
  2. Order – Providing some form of structure or order to the world
  3. Social – Striving to form intimate connections with others
  4. Freedom – Yearning to realize its own sense of paradise
Graph of the 12 Jungian archetypes with the 4 orientations.

Separating the Archetypes into these 4 Orientations based on their root desire can help you remember the drive for each of the archetypes.

In Conclusion:

Archetypes can be incredibly powerful tools for self-discovery.

No one is flat and one-dimensional. Each of us has many different facets to our personality. Archetypes give us a framework to examine the different parts of ourselves.

For myself, when I was in my early 30’s I had a crisis of identity. I just had no idea “who I was.” That is when I discovered Archetypes. They helped me see new aspects of my identity. It made me excited to awaken new parts of myself.

That process is still unfolding every day. I am really grateful for the direction and clarity that Archetypes have given me in my own self-discovery.

If you are interested in Archetypes, check out the Masculine Archetype Deck I created. I made it a resource to help people explore the depth of their identity and find the freedom I have through working with Archetypes.

Picture of Isaac Cotec
Isaac Cotec
Creator of HeroRise, Isaac Cotec has dedicated his life to empowering others through art and creativity. He is a scholar of the subconscious and has studied the power of symbolism to help create enduring change.