This E-Book reveals...

How to connect to your
Masculine Archetypes
and step into your power

Free Activity and Guidebook

Isolation. Lack of Clarity. Directionless. Uncertain.

Disconnecting from your Masculinity
hurts relationships and prevent your higher purpose.

Occult sun symbol representing masculinity
Explore the Masculine

The Awakening the Masculine book gives you a framework for exploring your psyche. This guidebook explores the five Masculine Archetypes within the HeroRise system; Warrior, Wizard, Father, Lover, and Sovereign

Each of the Archetypes can be viewed as different psychological patterns used to explore who you are. Creating a conscious relationship with the various Archetypes can help you embody mature and balanced Masculinity.

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embody your masculinity and discover: 

The Ultimate Guide to Masculine Archetypes
is completely FREE.

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